Oregano Pesto
Oregano makes a great pesto, a lovely spring taste to stir through
pasta or to serve with grilled fish.
- 30 g chopped fresh oregano leaves —
this is about a large cup full
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 40 g flaked almonds
- 100 ml olive oil
- 1 tbs lemon juice
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Put the oregano, garlic and nuts into a blender or food processor,
chop lightly then add half of the olive oil with the lemon juice and blend to a coarse paste —
not too fine — you need to be able to distinguish
the tiny pieces of leaf.
Stir in the rest of the olive oil and some seasoning to taste.
A mix of oregano and parsley leaves also gives a delicious flavour.
Try using our new Italian parsley which will be available to buy on our website in a few days time.
- Stir 2 tablespoons of your pesto through pasta for 2 people.
- It goes well with lightly cooked vegetables such as courgettes, carrots and beans.
- Mix with roasted vegetables such as a mix of aubergine, peppers and courgettes.
- Spread onto savoury crackers or a baguette and top with some goats cheese.
- Serve with any grilled or pan fried fish.
- I’m sure that you’ll have plenty of ideas of your own!
As you can see oregano is especially versatile and the flavour mingles well with many different types of food.