Flowering pollinator & companion planting seed mix


Suitable for:
Most well drained, rich soils in sun or a little shade.
This is a colourful and attractive mix of flower seeds designed to be sown directly in situ onto bare soil. The flowers from this seed mix will help beneficial insects find both food and shelter near your food crops and within the garden as a whole.
Flowering pollinator & companion planting seed mix:  

Beneficial insects are to be encouraged as they not only help with pollination but can act against pests like aphids and whitefly in your garden. Three quarters of the crops we grow rely on pollinators like bees etc. In the horticulture we call this natural pest control - integrated pest management (IPM) and it removes the need for chemical spraying, indeed spraying will kill your beneficial insects as well as any pests.

Helpful insects include, not just bees and butterflies, but lacewings, dragonflies, ladybirds, moths and even spiders. In addition there are an array of ground dwelling bugs and beetles all ready to help in our gardens. By giving them their own flowering patch we can encourage them flourish and, in turn, assist us.

The quantity of seed in your packet will provide enough to sow one square metre of soil.

Further advice can be found in numerous websites online. Kew is a good example: https://www.kew.org/read-and-watch/how-to-attract-insects-garden