Manor Farm
Oxfordshire OX27 8DP
This variety of dill is more compact and robust than common dill with tighter flower heads,
making it ideal to cut and use in flower arrangements. The flowers will last up to 10 days in water.
The flower heads are an acid green and look great grown with other brightly coloured annuals,
and contrast especially well with white and blue flowers. The feathery foliage has the typical aniseed fragrance.
Dill is a fast and easily grown annual which has a long taproot so is best grown on soil cultivated to a depth of 40cm.
Seeds can be sown under cover from early spring and transplanted once large enough.
Alternatively sow thinly where they are to grow. Due to their long roots watering is only necessary in prolonged dry weather.
If growing in the vegetable garden it is an ideal companion planted with brassicas, onions, lettuce and cucumbers.
In particular do not plant near tomatoes, or carrots, caraway, lavender or fennel.
This is a good plant to attract pollinators, especially hoverflies, and will self seed freely if blooms are left uncut.
Do not grow near fennel however, as the 2 plants may hybridise and any seedlings will not be true to form.