Manor Farm
Oxfordshire OX27 8DP
Our new pollinator mix is suitable for areas where a taller annual planting would most be effective, and has more visual impact than our lower growing popular flowering pollinator & companion planting seed mix.
This is a colourful and attractive seed mix including Cosmos, Coreopsis and taller Sunflowers amongst others,
giving a bright and eye-catching display which will be not only flower throughout the summer,
but attract lots of beneficial pollinators to your garden.
Beneficial insects are to be encouraged as they not only help with pollination
but can act against pests like aphids and whitefly in your garden.
Three quarters of the crops we grow rely on pollinators like bees etc.
Helpful insects include, not just bees and butterflies, but lacewings, dragonflies, ladybirds, moths and even spiders.
In addition there are an array of ground dwelling bugs and beetles all ready to help in our gardens.
By giving them their own flowering patch we can encourage them flourish and, in turn, assist us.
The quantity of seed in your packet will provide enough to sow one square metre of soil.