Manor Farm
Oxfordshire OX27 8DP
Thymus mastichina originates from the Iberian peninsula, growing mainly in the mountainous regions.
Thyme Pom Pom has been selected to have a more compact habit that the wild species,
making it an ideal small ornamental shrub for gardens, edging, containers, rockery and gravel planting.
This thyme, in common with all other thymes, needs a bright and sunny position.
It will thrive in poor sandy soil and needs no additional feeding or soil improvement.
The plant is hardy to -10°C but for the first few years, until established, may need some extra protection from the cold,
and especially wet conditions. Prune lightly in spring, and more vigorously after flowering to promote new growth.
The evergreen foliage has a sweet herbal, almost eucalyptus-like fragrance, reminiscent of marjoram – not a typical thyme aroma.
In summer it is covered with clusters of pure white ball-shaped flowers, which are a magnet for bees.
Around each small flower are narrow sepals with long hairs, giving a feathery, fluffy appearance.
In Spain and Portugal it is widely used for seasoning meats, stews and sauces,
and in Spain is often used in the preservation process for olives.
The leaves act as a digestive for higher fat foods and contain their strongest aroma just before flowering.
This is the best time to harvest for drying and preserving your crop.