Manor Farm Herbs: Bay, Myrtle, Tarragon and Thymes


Bay: Laurus nobilis

Laurus nobilis

Up to 6m if unpruned
Suitable for:
Ordinary well drained soil in sun or partial shade. Protect from frost and cold wind in hard winters. Ideal for container growing.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

Bay is a well known hardy evergreen shrub which can grow into a small tree if unrestricted. Once established it has clusters of creamy-yellow flowers in late Spring. It makes an attractive specimen when grown in a container where it can be trimmed to a variety of ornamental shapes. We are selling small plants in 7cm pots for you to grow on yourself in a larger pot, before planting in their final position.

Click here for more information about Bay


Myrtle: Myrtus communis

Myrtus communis

Slow growing 2 - 3 m
Suitable for:
Warm sheltered spot. Best under cover for winter in the north of the UK. Well drained soil and full sun.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

Myrtle is a slow growing, aromatic shrub. It has oval, dark green leaves and attractive white flowers in mid-summer. It is a herb with a long history and tradition and also plenty of culinary uses.

Click here for more information about Myrtle

French Tarragon

French Tarragon: Artemesia dracunculus

Artemesia dracunculus

Up to 60cm (2ft)
Suitable for:
Dry soil in a sunny position. Ideal grown in containers.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

Tarragon is an aromatic perennial herb with a minty / aniseed flavour French tarragon is slightly tender but has a far superior flavour to the more hardy Russian tarragon.

Click here for more information about French Tarragon

Thyme 'Archers Gold'

Thyme 'Archers Gold': Thymus x citriodorus 'Archers Gold'

Thymus x citriodorus 'Archers Gold'

Up to 9cm
Suitable for:
Sunny well drained spot. Containers, rockeries and paths.
Available May 2025.

Archers Gold is a low growing lemon scented thyme with dense bright gold foliage on bushy arching stems. The flowers are a pale pinky purple in colour and are very attractive to both bees and butterflies.

Click here for more information about Thyme 'Archers Gold'

Broad Leaf Thyme

Broad Leaf Thyme: Thymus pulegioides

Thymus pulegioides

Up to 25cm (10in)
Suitable for:
Sunny well drained spot. Containers, rockeries and paths.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

As its name suggests this thyme has large, rounded green leaves, and long spires of attractive dark purple flowers in summer. It is an excellent culinary thyme.

Click here for more information about Broad Leaf Thyme

Common Thyme

Common Thyme: Thymus vulgaris

Thymus vulgaris

30cm (12in)
Suitable for:
Sunny well drained spot. Containers, rockeries and paths.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

This well known herb grows as a small upright shrub, which is attractively evergreen and bushy. A must for every herb garden and to use in the kitchen.

Click here for more information about Common Thyme

Foxley Thyme (Broad leaf variegated)

Foxley Thyme (Broad leaf variegated): Thymus pulegioides 'Foxley'

Thymus pulegioides 'Foxley'

20cm (8in)
Suitable for:
Sunny well drained spot. Containers, rockeries and paths.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

Foxley is a variegated version of the green broad leaf thyme. The dark green glossy leaves are splashed with cream in irregular variegations. Excellent for both culinary and ornamental planting.

Click here for more information about Foxley Thyme (Broad leaf variegated)

Lemon Variegated Thyme

Lemon Variegated Thyme: Thymus x citriodorus 'Golden Queen'

Thymus x citriodorus 'Golden Queen'

15cm (6in)
Suitable for:
Sunny well drained spot. Containers, rockeries and paths.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

This is a small, hardy evergreen herb with a lemon scent and gold variegated leaves, with pink flowers. In addition to its attractive appearance it is an excellent culinary thyme.

Click here for more information about Lemon Variegated Thyme

Orange thyme

Orange thyme: Thymus fragrantissimus

Thymus fragrantissimus

Suitable for:
Dry sunny position in poor soil, mixed planting in containers
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

This is an upright bushy thyme with a delicious scent of orange. It has grey-green foliage and pretty pale pink flowers. As the earliest thyme to flower it makes an attractive and useful addition to any herb garden or container planting.

Click here for more information about Orange thyme

Thyme 'Pom Pom'
(Mastic thyme, Spanish marjoram)

Thyme 'Pom Pom'<br />(Mastic thyme, Spanish marjoram): Thymus mastichina 'Pom Pom'

Thymus mastichina 'Pom Pom'

Up to 30 cm in flower
Suitable for:
All dry & sunny spots.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

This thyme is both ornamental, culinary and aromatic with clusters of pure white flowers in summer. Known as Mastic thyme or Spanish marjoram, it has grey green foliage with a herbal scent, overlaid with eucalyptus and marjoram.

Click here for more information about Thyme 'Pom Pom'
(Mastic thyme, Spanish marjoram)

Thyme 'Silver Posie'

Thyme 'Silver Posie': Thymus vulgaris 'Silver Posie'

Thymus vulgaris 'Silver Posie'

30cm (12in)
Suitable for:
Sunny well drained spot. Containers, rockeries and paths.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

Silver Posie is a silver variegated form of the common thyme. It has all the taste and flavour for cooking, but a more compact habit and attractive silver variegations to its leaves.

Click here for more information about Thyme 'Silver Posie'

Rose scented thyme

Rose scented thyme: Thymus spp. 'Rose scented'

Thymus spp. 'Rose scented'

Approx. up to 25cm
Suitable for:
Any sunny location in dry, well drained soil. Ideal for pots and containers.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

This is an upright thyme with tiny lance shaped leaves which combine the traditional scent of thyme with the sweet aroma of old fashioned roses. The flowers in summer are a soft pink and the leaves are said to make a lovely herb tea. One to experiment with!

Click here for more information about Rose scented thyme

Thyme Sparkling Bright

Thyme Sparkling Bright: Thymus spp.

Thymus spp.

Tbc. Upright growth habit
Suitable for:
Any sunny location in dry, well drained soil. Ideal for pots and containers.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

A brand new upright thyme recommended by our plug suppliers which, from the pictures, looks a little like our favourite Silver Posie but with brighter and even better variegation. We shall know more when as the plants grow and develop, from the photographs of the foliage it looks stunning!

Click here for more information about Thyme Sparkling Bright

Creeping Thyme Collection

All of our creeping thymes prefer a light well drained soil in a sunny position, or a container filled with a well drained compost. They are excellent for paths, banks and rockeries, also at border edges and trailing over walls. They are ideal for tubs and containers placed in a hot dry sunny spot.

All thymes are perennial and evergreen so you can create a permanent planting with interest and colour throughout the year.

Create a real centrepiece of colour and a haven
for butterflies and bees when these thymes are in flower.

Thyme Pink Magic

Thyme Pink Magic: Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Magic'

Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Magic'

Up to 5cm
up to 60cm
Suitable for:
Sunny, well drained soil, gravel and rocky areas. Pots and containers.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

This is a brand new creeping thyme for 2022. We are sure that it will be very popular. This is a vigorous thyme, spreading rapidly for quick ground cover. It has comparatively large leaves compared to other creeping thyme and large pink flowers in early summer.

Click here for more information about Thyme Pink Magic

Thyme Ruby Glow

Thyme Ruby Glow: Thymus praecox 'Ruby Glow'

Thymus praecox 'Ruby Glow'

About 5cm
with a potential spread of up to 30cm
Suitable for:
Any sunny location in dry, well drained soil. Ideal for containers, paths, gravel and rock gardens.
Available Late Spring 2025

A new addition to our creeping thyme range, this variety will make perfect spreading ground cover. It has one of the strongest flower colours — a bright, rich crimson with lovely dark green foliage.

Click here for more information about Thyme Ruby Glow

Thyme Prostratus

Thyme Prostratus: Thymus serpyllum 'Prostratus'

Thymus serpyllum 'Prostratus'

up to 15 cm (6 in)
Suitable for:
Sunny well drained soil, gravel and rocky areas, pots and containers.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

The original prostrate thyme. Glossy dark green foliage and attractive deep pink flowers in summer. A rapidly spreading thyme for quick ground cover. Its lovely lemony scent and comparatively large leaves also make it a good culinary herb with a multitude of uses.

Click here for more information about Thyme Prostratus

Thyme Caborn Wine and Roses

Thyme Caborn Wine and Roses: Thymus 'Caborn Wine and Roses'

Thymus 'Caborn Wine and Roses'

5 x 40 cm
Suitable for:
Sunny well drained soil; paths, gravel and rock gardens, pots and containers.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

A compact and spreading thyme with a prostrate habit. The dark green, aromatic leaves are oval and have a great flavour, making it ideal to plant for both culinary and ornamental uses. In early summer it is a carpet of small rosy pink flowers. It makes a colourful edging herb and grows well in gravel, paths and containers.

Click here for more information about Thyme Caborn Wine and Roses

Caraway Thyme

Caraway Thyme: Thymus herba barona

Thymus herba barona

7cm max. (3in)
Suitable for:
Sunny well drained spot. Containers, rockeries and paths.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

This is a low-growing thyme with tiny pointed caraway scented leaves. In summer it is a profusion of rose pink flowers entirely carpeting the plants and attracting every bee the area!

Click here for more information about Caraway Thyme

Creeping red thyme

Creeping red thyme: Thymus serpyllum 'Coccineus'

Thymus serpyllum 'Coccineus'

5cm x 40cm (2in x 15in)
Suitable for:
Sunny well drained spot. Containers, rockeries and paths.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

This variety has dark green, glossy leaves and is covered in spectacular crimson flowers in June.

Click here for more information about Creeping red thyme

Creeping white thyme

Creeping white thyme: Thymus serpyllum 'Albus'

Thymus serpyllum 'Albus'

5cm x 30cm (2in x 12in)
Suitable for:
Sunny well drained spot. Containers, rockeries and paths.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

White flowered thyme is an extremely prostrate thyme, which forms a dense mat of tiny bright green leaves. The foliage is a brilliant foil for the abundant white flowers which appear in June.

Click here for more information about Creeping white thyme

Thyme Minimus

Thyme Minimus: Thymus serpyllum 'Minimus'<br />(Thymus serpyllum 'Minor'<br />Thymus serpyllum 'Minimalist')

Thymus serpyllum 'Minimus'
(Thymus serpyllum 'Minor'
Thymus serpyllum 'Minimalist')

5cm (2in), spread indefinite.
Suitable for:
Sunny well drained soil, gravel and rocky areas, pots and containers.
Available May 2025.

Thyme minimus lives up to its name with mounds of really tiny dainty leaves and pink flowers in summer. It is slow growing and ideal for planting in the tops of walls, ornamental sinks and gravel paths.

Click here for more information about Thyme Minimus

Thyme Pink Chintz

Thyme Pink Chintz: Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Chintz'

Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Chintz'

Up to 5cm
Suitable for:
Sunny well drained soil, gravel, paths, and rocky areas, pots and containers.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

A hardy prostrate thyme forming a mat of fragrant grey green hairy leaves. It flowers prolifically in summer with salmon pink flower heads almost totally covering the foliage. Lovely planted as a mix with other creeping thymes.

Click here for more information about Thyme Pink Chintz

Thyme Russetings

Thyme Russetings: Thymus serpyllum 'Russetings'

Thymus serpyllum 'Russetings'

Up to 7cm (3in)
Suitable for:
Sunny, well drained soil. Excellent for paths, rock gardens and ground cover, also in containers.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

This is a vigorous and densely growing thyme which forms a prostrate mat of dark green leaves. It is excellent ground cover and ideal for thyme paths and lawns. In summer it is covered in dark pink flowers that attract masses of bees and butterflies.

Click here for more information about Thyme Russetings

Woolly thyme

Woolly thyme: Thymus pseudolanuginosus

Thymus pseudolanuginosus

2.5 - 7cm (1 - 3 in)
up to 40cm (1ft 4 in) or more
Suitable for:
Well drained soil in full sun. Paths and paving areas, tubs and containers.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

This is a low growing, creeping thyme which forms a mat of grey woolly leaves. Whilst it is grown mainly for its striking foliage, it has pale pink flowers in mid summer which are very attractive to bees and butterflies.

Click here for more information about Woolly thyme

Thyme 'Doone Valley'

Thyme 'Doone Valley': Thymus 'Doone Valley'

Thymus 'Doone Valley'

5cm x 40cm (2in x 15in)
Suitable for:
Sunny well drained spot. Containers, rockeries and paths.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

This is a creeping evergreen cultivar with bright gold and green variegated leaves, scented lightly with a lemon fragrance. The foliage is so attractive that the plant can be grown for this reason alone, but as an added bonus there are purple flowers in late June / July.

Click here for more information about Thyme 'Doone Valley'

Thyme Hartington Silver (Highland Cream)

Thyme Hartington Silver (Highland Cream): Thymus 'Hartington Silver'

Thymus 'Hartington Silver'

Up to 5 cm
Suitable for:
Well drained sunny position. Paths, rockeries and containers.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

Creeping thymes are by far the most popular herb for sale on our website. This is a prostrate thyme with attractive cream and light green, variegated foliage and a pretty, pale pink flower — promising to be a best seller.

Click here for more information about Thyme Hartington Silver (Highland Cream)

Enhance your creeping thyme with some extras

Lots of our herbs like dry conditions, why not add variety to your creeping thyme planting by adding Lawn Chamomile and Double Flowered Chamomile for their fragrant foliage. Try adding some Creeping Savory,  Helianthemum 'Ben Ledi',  Helianthemum 'Ben Fhada',  Helianthemum 'Fireball', or Armeria Alba to extend the flowering season and add extra interest and colour to your beds and containers.