Manor Farm Herbs: Chives Fennels and Sages


Chives: Allium schoenoprasum

Allium schoenoprasum

Up to 40cm (15in)
Suitable for:
Sun and partial shade in moist soil. Pots and tubs.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

Chives are a hardy perennial herb with narrow, round grass like leaves and an onion flavour. Clumps that are not cut regularly for kitchen use, will produce attractive mauve globular flowerheads in mid summer.

Click here for more information about Chives

Garlic Chives

Garlic Chives: Allium tuberosum

Allium tuberosum

Up to 30cm (12in)
Suitable for:
Sunny position with rich, moist soil. Pots and tubs
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

Garlic chives are perennial with long and flat, slightly fleshy leaves and a mild garlic flavour. Pretty white star shaped flowers arise in late summer.

Click here for more information about Garlic Chives

Garlic Chives - Lilac Flowered
(Siberian chives, blue chives)

Garlic Chives - Lilac Flowered<br /> (Siberian chives, blue chives): Allium nutans

Allium nutans

30 – 45cm
Suitable for:
Any soil in full sun or partial shade.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

An unusual edible Allium with a spectacular display of tall lilac flowers later in the summer. Easy to grow in most soils and positions. A good plant for containers, great for attracting pollinators and as a cut flower. In addition it is a valuable herb to use in the kitchen.

Click here for more information about Garlic Chives - Lilac Flowered
(Siberian chives, blue chives)


Fennel: Foeniculum vulgare

Foeniculum vulgare

Up to 1.5m (6ft)
Suitable for:
A warm sunny position, rich well drained soil.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

Fennel is a tall elegant perennial herb with feathery bright green foliage and colourful yellow flowers.

Click here for more information about Fennel

Bronze Fennel

Bronze Fennel: Foeniculum vulgare 'Purpureum'

Foeniculum vulgare 'Purpureum'

1.2 - 1.5m (4 - 5ft)
Suitable for:
A warm sunny position, rich well drained soil.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

The bronze feathery leaves on this tall elegant perennial herb contrast well with the bright yellow flower heads.

Click here for more information about Bronze Fennel

Sage - Salvia microphylla 'Trebah Lilac-white'

Sage - Salvia microphylla 'Trebah Lilac-white': Salvia microphylla 'Trebah Lilac-white'

Salvia microphylla 'Trebah Lilac-white'

Up to 1m in ideal conditions
Suitable for:
Well drained soil in full sun. Sheltered spot by a warm wall.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

This is a tender perennial herb very closely related to the slightly more common blackcurrant sage. It is a sturdy Salvia with aromatic mid-green leaves and plentiful white flowers tinged with lilac sfrom June until October. Great for container growing or a warm sheltered spot.

Click here for more information about Sage - Salvia microphylla 'Trebah Lilac-white'

Blackcurrant Sage

Blackcurrant Sage: Salvia microphylla

Salvia microphylla

1.2m (4ft)
Suitable for:
Dry sunny spot. Protect from severe frost in winter.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

Blackcurrant sage is a small shrubby herb with bright pink flowers and dark green leaves that smell very strongly of blackcurrant.

Click here for more information about Blackcurrant Sage


Sage: Salvia officinalis

Salvia officinalis

60cm (2ft)
Suitable for:
A sunny spot in light dry soil.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

This well-known culinary herb is a small perennial shrub with grey-green velvety leaves and flowers of varying shades of purple in summer.

Click here for more information about Sage

Golden Variegated Sage

Golden Variegated Sage: Salvia officinalis 'Icterina'

Salvia officinalis 'Icterina'

60cm (2ft)
Suitable for:
A sunny spot in light dry soil.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

Icterina sage is an attractive shrubby plant that contrasts well with other green foliage when planted in the herb garden. It is equally as good as the common green sage for cooking and makes an excellent alternative especially if space is limited.

Click here for more information about Golden Variegated Sage

Purple Sage

Purple Sage: Salvia officinalis 'purpurascens'

Salvia officinalis 'purpurascens'

30 -60cm (1-2ft)
Suitable for:
A sunny spot in light dry soil.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

Purple sage is a popular plant in all areas of the garden. Currently it is used increasingly in garden design and landscaping as its deep rich colour blends so well with a huge range of garden plants, most especially the silvery ones.

Click here for more information about Purple Sage

Pineapple Sage

Pineapple Sage: Salvia elegans

Salvia elegans

Up to 1m
Suitable for:
Large pots and containers. Needs winter protection from frost.
Available May 2025.

Pineapple sage is a half hardy perennial with bright scarlet flowers in late summer/autumn and long pineapple scented leaves. It grows vigorously throughout the summer months and is best in a container as it needs to be treated as a conservatory or house plant in the winter months and protected from cold and frost.

Click here for more information about Pineapple Sage

Sage 'Snowflake'

Sage 'Snowflake': Salvia officinalis 'Snowflake'

Salvia officinalis 'Snowflake'

Suitable for:
A sunny spot in light dry soil. Impact in mixed containers.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

This is a brand new sage which is both culinary and ornamental as once! The leaves have an attractive frosted finish which gives a silvery finish to the leaf. It will make a statement planted either in beds and borders or a feature container.

It can be used as culinary sage in the kitchen.

Click here for more information about Sage 'Snowflake'

Tangerine Sage

Tangerine Sage: Salvia elegans

Salvia elegans

Up to 60 cm
Suitable for:
Warm, sunny, well drained spot. Needs winter protection. Ideal in containers.
Available May 2025.

Tangerine Sage is a tender perennial herb with gloriously scented leaves and long spikes of bright scarlet flowers throughout the summer months. Great as a container plant and can be used in herb teas and also in salads and fruity drinks.

Click here for more information about Tangerine Sage

Welsh Onion

Welsh Onion: Allium fistulosum

Allium fistulosum

30cm (12in)
Suitable for:
Sunny open position in well drained soil.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

This is a perennial type of spring onion, with a mild onion flavour, grown for their leaves in a ‘cut and come again’ way.

Click here for more information about Welsh Onion

Nodding Onion (Lady’s leek)

Nodding Onion (Lady’s leek): Allium cernuum

Allium cernuum

15 – 45 cm
Suitable for:
Sun or partial shade in most soils. Good in containers.
Includes carriage & specialist packaging

This is a great edible Allium which we trialled last year. An easy to grow perennial with overhanging flower heads on top of stout slender stems. Each flower head is made up of multiple pinkish purple flowers, suspended individually like a pink chandelier. Both edible and extremely ornamental.

Click here for more information about Nodding Onion (Lady’s leek)