Manor Farm Herb Seeds

Tall flowering pollinator seed mix

Tall flowering pollinator seed mix:  


Up to 60cm+
Suitable for:
Most well drained, rich soils in sun or a little shade.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Our new pollinator mix is suitable for areas where a taller annual planting would most be effective, and has more visual impact than our lower growing popular flowering pollinator & companion planting seed mix.

Click for more information about Tall flowering pollinator seed mix

Flowering pollinator & companion planting seed mix

Flowering pollinator & companion planting seed mix:  


Suitable for:
Most well drained, rich soils in sun or a little shade.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

This is a colourful and attractive mix of flower seeds designed to be sown directly in situ onto bare soil. The flowers from this seed mix will help beneficial insects find both food and shelter near your food crops and within the garden as a whole.

Click for more information about Flowering pollinator & companion planting seed mix

Beet 'Bulls Blood'

Beet 'Bulls Blood': Beta vulgaris 'Bulls Blood'

Beta vulgaris 'Bulls Blood'

Up to 30cm
Suitable for:
Most well drained, rich soils in sun or a little shade.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

This is the most ornamental of all beets with spectacular red veined leaves and stems – a really useful and decorative, triple-use variety which is universally useful. A good choice to support a heirloom variety which has been documented as far back as 1840. Ideal direct sown where it is to crop or in large deep containers.

Click for more information about Beet 'Bulls Blood'

Borage blue flowered seeds (Starflower)

Borage blue flowered seeds (Starflower): Borago officinalis

Borago officinalis

60 – 80 cm
Suitable for:
Full sun in most garden soils.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Borage is a well known annual herb in the herb garden, with loads of small brilliant blue flowers from June right through until winter sets in. The foliage is edible, if rather rough and hairy, and the plant self seeds liberally for the next season.

Click for more information about Borage blue flowered seeds (Starflower)

Borage white flowered seeds (Starflower)

Borage white flowered seeds (Starflower): Borago officinalis 'Alba'

Borago officinalis 'Alba'

50 – 70 cm
Suitable for:
Full sun in most garden soils.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Borage is a well known annual herb in the herb garden, and the white flowered variety is most unusual with striking white flowers which make a delightful change from the traditional blue. The foliage is edible, if rather rough and hairy, and the plant self seeds liberally for the next season.

Click for more information about Borage white flowered seeds (Starflower)

Leaf Celery seeds (Soup celery)

Leaf Celery seeds (Soup celery): Apium graveolens

Apium graveolens

Up to 25cm
Suitable for:
Partial shade in moist soil, good in containers.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Also called soup celery, leaf celery is darker than the standard celery which we buy in the greengrocers with much thinner stalks.

It is grown for its foliage which has a strong almost peppery flavour which is great in cooking. It looks very similar in all respects to flat leaf parsley, but with a characteristic celery flavour.

Click for more information about Leaf Celery seeds (Soup celery)

Chervil seeds

Chervil seeds: Anthriscus cerefolium

Anthriscus cerefolium

30 cm, up to 45 cm when in flower
Suitable for:
Partial shade in a rich moist soil.
Deep containers.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Chervil is a hardy annual herb suitable for sowing early in the spring. It looks rather like a lacy version of parsley with dainty white flowers later in the summer. It is grown as a culinary herb for its mild anise flavour and its attractive foliage makes it a welcome addition to any herb garden.

Click for more information about Chervil seeds

Coriander seeds (Cilantro, Chinese Parsley, Pak Chee)

Coriander seeds (Cilantro, Chinese Parsley, Pak Chee): Coriandrum sativum

Coriandrum sativum

20 cm and up to 45 cm in flower
Suitable for:
Rich moist soils in sun or a little shade.
Deep pots.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Coriander is an easily grown, annual culinary herb. The foliage closely resembles flat leaf parsley and has a strong flavour which is very popular in Asian cooking. All parts of the plant are used, most usually the foliage and seeds, but also the long tap roots.

Click for more information about Coriander seeds (Cilantro, Chinese Parsley, Pak Chee)

Cornflower Polka Dot Mix (Bachelor's Button)

Cornflower Polka Dot Mix (Bachelor's Button): Centaurea cyanus

Centaurea cyanus

Up to 40cm
Suitable for:
Moist well drained soil in sun.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

These are bushy little annuals which are easy grow — just scatter in the garden for weeks of colour. The Polka Dot mix which we have available comes in a lovely mixture of colours. They are popular with pollinators and wildlife, make a great cut flower and the petals can be used as a delicious edible garnish with their sweet and spicy flavour.

Click for more information about Cornflower Polka Dot Mix (Bachelor's Button)

Cumin (black) seeds

Cumin (black) seeds: Nigella sativa

Nigella sativa

20 – 30cm
Suitable for:
Sunny spot in rich moist soil.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Black cumin is a lovely annual with masses of delicate, white or pale blue, flowers amidst fine, lacy foliage. The seeds are black, and form in puffed up ball shaped seed heads. They are used as a spice mainly in Indian and Eastern cuisine.

Click for more information about Cumin (black) seeds

Dill seeds

Dill seeds: Anethum graveolens

Anethum graveolens

45 cm - 1 m when flowering
Suitable for:
Sunny sheltered spot in well drained soil.
Large containers.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Dill is a versatile annual herb with a delightful appearance and flavour. The foliage is feathery and almost thread-like with a cool refreshing sharpness of flavour along with a slight sweetness. This elegant herb looks well in the herb garden, or indeed any border, especially when in flower with its elegant saucer shaped flower heads made up of small deep yellow florets.

Click for more information about Dill seeds

Florist's Dill seeds

Florist's Dill seeds: Anethum graveolens 'Mariska'

Anethum graveolens 'Mariska'

Up to 60cm
Suitable for:
Deep, fertile soil with plenty of sunlight.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

This variety of dill is more compact and robust than common dill with tighter flower heads, making it ideal to cut and use in flower arrangements. The flowers will last up to 10 days in water.

Click for more information about Florist's Dill seeds

Fenugreek (Methi)

Fenugreek (Methi): Trigonella foenum-graecum

Trigonella foenum-graecum

30 – 40cm
Suitable for:
Well drained soil in full sun.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Best known as aromatic seeds used in curry powder and spice mixes, and included on all Indian menus where ever you see the word Methi.

Fenugreek produces tasty greens with a fresh herby flavour. They are more interesting than spinach but not as peppery as rocket, and are rich in iron, vitamins, antioxidants and fibre. They can easily be grown on a cut and come again basis giving a supply of greens throughout the season. Surely a 'must have' new food to try!

Click for more information about Fenugreek (Methi)

Mexican marigold seeds
  (Mexican tarragon, Spanish tarragon, Pericón)

Mexican marigold seeds<br />  (Mexican tarragon, Spanish tarragon, Pericón): Tagetes lucida

Tagetes lucida

45 – 70 cm
Suitable for:
Sun or partial shade in well drained soil.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

The leaves have a warm anise flavour and can be used as a good substitute for french tarragon. From mid summer onwards the plants are covered with clusters of small bright yellow blossoms.

In the UK the plants are generally grown as an annual but with a little frost protection they will shoot again from the base in spring.

Click for more information about Mexican marigold seeds,   (Mexican tarragon, Spanish tarragon, Pericón)

Mexican coriander
  (Culantro, Bhandhania, Mexican parsley, Recao, Chandon beni)

Mexican coriander<br />  (Culantro, Bhandhania, Mexican parsley, Recao, Chandon beni): Eryngium foetidum

Eryngium foetidum

Up to 30cm.
Suitable for:
Hot shady position in moist soil. Ideal for containers.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Despite its rather unsavoury latin name this is a popular South American herb very similar to the more familiar coriander in flavour but with a spicier and stronger sharp aroma and taste. It is a tender herb, needing a hot and shady spot, and is a popular addition to South American and Caribbean recipes.

Click for more information about Mexican coriander,   (Culantro, Bhandhania, Mexican parsley, Recao, Chandon beni)

Mixed Salad Leaf seeds — Bright and Spicy mix

Mixed Salad Leaf seeds — Bright and Spicy mix:  


Suitable for:
Moist well draining soil in sun or part shade.
Ideal for containers
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Bright and spicy salad mix is an easily grown addition to brighten up your salads.

It is made up of a mix of white and yellow Pak Choi, Tatsoi, Mizuna and red mustard.

It can be grown either by sowing outside during spring and summer into a finely raked seed bed, or in a large container outside or under cover or even on the windowsill for winter use.

Click for more information about Mixed Salad Leaf seeds — Bright and Spicy mix

Mixed Salad Leaf seeds — Oriental mix

Mixed Salad Leaf seeds — Oriental mix:  


Suitable for:
Moist well draining soil in sun or part shade.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Oriental salad mix is an easily grown addition to a touch of the exotic your salads.

It is made up of a mix of white Pak Choi, Tatsoi, Mizuna, Mibuna (Japanese parsley) and red and white mustards.

It can be grown either by sowing outside during spring and summer into a finely raked seed bed, or in a large container outside or under cover or even on the windowsill for winter use.

Click for more information about Mixed Salad Leaf seeds — Oriental mix

Nasturtium 'Alaska' seeds

Nasturtium 'Alaska' seeds: Tropaeolum majus

Tropaeolum majus

30 cm
up to 60 cm
Suitable for:
Containers, ground cover on poor dry soil.
Sun or a little shade.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Nasturtiums are easy to grow annuals with edible flowers and leaves. Alaska is an heirloom variety with variegated leaves which are green, white and cream in irregular blotches. The flowers are trumpets of vibrant red, orange, yellow and cream. The plant is bushy and spreading rather than climbing.

Click for more information about Nasturtium 'Alaska' seeds

Nasturtium 'Blue Pepe' seeds (Salad nasturtium)

Nasturtium 'Blue Pepe' seeds (Salad nasturtium): Tropaeolum majus

Tropaeolum majus

Up to 30cm
Suitable for:
Sun or part shade, in average to poor soil.
Excellent in containers.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

This is a unique nasturtium, which has been bred especially as a culinary variety mainly for restaurant use. The leaves are small and round with a steel blue colour and purple beneath. The flowers in summer are an intense dark red.

Click for more information about Nasturtium 'Blue Pepe' seeds (Salad nasturtium)

Nasturtium 'Empress of India' seeds

Nasturtium 'Empress of India' seeds: Tropaeolum majus

Tropaeolum majus

30 cm
up to 60 cm
Suitable for:
Containers, ground cover on poor dry soil.
Sun or a little shade.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Nasturtiums are easy to grow annuals with edible flowers and leaves. Empress of India has deep crimson velvety flowers and dark green foliage with a hint of blue. It is an old fashioned cultivar dating back to Victorian times and is popular because of its bushy, compact habit which makes it ideal to grow in containers, hanging baskets and for adding summer colour to the herb garden.

Click for more information about Nasturtium 'Empress of India' seeds

Parsley Hamburg rooted
  (Parsley root, Turnip rooted parsley, Hamburg parsley)

Parsley Hamburg rooted<br />  (Parsley root, Turnip rooted parsley, Hamburg parsley): Petroselinum Hortense var. Tuberosum

Petroselinum Hortense var. Tuberosum

Up to 30cm. Roots to 15cm
Suitable for:
Most well drained but moist, rich soils in sun / light shade.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

As the name suggests this has been a popular herb/vegetable in Germany, and surrounding countries, since the 16th century. The leaves can be used as traditional leaf parsley and the long white roots have a distinctive nutty flavour reminiscent of both celery and parsley. The roots can be harvested in autumn and are great roasted or used in soups and casseroles. This is a very hardy plant and late summer sowings can be made to grow through the winter for harvest later next spring. Rarely grown nowadays, it is time that this useful plant is restored to popularity!

Click for more information about Parsley Hamburg rooted,   (Parsley root, Turnip rooted parsley, Hamburg parsley)

Pot Marigold seeds

Pot Marigold seeds: Calendula officinalis

Calendula officinalis

Up to 40 cm
Suitable for:
A sunny position in most soils.
Ideal for containers.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Pot marigolds are bushy, long lived annual herbs with both culinary and medicinal uses, but often grown just for the attractive golden orange flowers. They are a traditional cottage garden plant, flowering from early summer into the autumn, and self seed nearby if not deadheaded ensuring a supply of these bright and cheerful herbs in succeeding years.

Click for more information about Pot Marigold seeds

Salad Rocket seeds (Arugula)

Salad Rocket seeds (Arugula): Eruca sativa 'Victoria'

Eruca sativa 'Victoria'

Up to 20c m, 45 cm when in flower
Suitable for:
Most soils, in a sunny position.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Salad Rocket is a hardy annual herb with a dark green peppery leaf which is grown mainly for salad use. It is fast growing in most soils but does tend to go to seed easily in hot weather, so sow little and often.

Click for more information about Salad Rocket seeds (Arugula)

Stridolo (Sculpit)

Stridolo (Sculpit): Silene inflata

Silene inflata

Up to 45cm when in flower.
Suitable for:
Full sun in most soils (see below).
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

A Italian herb, rarely heard of outside Italy. This is a fast growing annual herb with lance-like leaves combining the flavours of tarragon, chicory and rocket. The versatile foliage can be used in a whole variety of dishes and the herb has the added bonus of highly attractive pink balloon like flowers fringed with delicate white petals. Bees and other pollinators absolutely love this flower!

Click for more information about Stridolo (Sculpit)

Summer Savory

Summer Savory: Satureja hortensis

Satureja hortensis

30 – 45cm
Suitable for:
Sunny position. Rich welldrained soil.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

This is a popular, highly aromatic annual herb closely related to the perennial winter savory but with a superior flavour. Grown primarily for use in the kitchen, summer savory has a salty, spicy flavour with notes of mint, marjoram and thyme in its flavour profile. Best sown direct in it’s final growing position once danger of frost is past.

Click for more information about Summer Savory

Watercress seeds

Watercress seeds: Nasturtium officinale

Nasturtium officinale

Up to 10cm and spreads across the soil surface
Suitable for:
Partial shade in a constantly damp location.
Ideally in a large shallow container.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

Watercress is a well known tasty salad leaf with a hot and peppery taste. As well as a superb flavour it has many health benefits — high in Vitamin C, iron, calcium and folic acid.

Click for more information about Watercress seeds

Wild Flowering Carrot
(Chocolate Lace Flower, False Queen Anne’s Lace)

Wild Flowering Carrot<br /> (Chocolate Lace Flower, False Queen Anne’s Lace): Daucus carota 'Dara'

Daucus carota 'Dara'

Up to 60 cm in flower
Suitable for:
Borders, cutting garden, naturalising.
Seed Price:
Per Pack. Includes delivery.

This is very ornamental version of the wild carrot with the most beautiful lacy flowers that you can grow. It has long stems and feathery foliage topped with large flower umbels of flowers ranging in shade from deepest burgundy to pale pink. It gives an airy lift to flower borders and makes an excellent cut flower - lasting well in water and will flower well into the autumn.

Click for more information about Wild Flowering Carrot, (Chocolate Lace Flower, False Queen Anne’s Lace)